20 Comics With Absurd Situations And Unexpected Endings By This Artist


Different authors with various types of content frequently appear on Bored Panda, so comics are a typical sight. Some webcomics have been around for a while, but new ones always appear with new and innovative concepts. This series of “Colmscomics” is just that: a breath of fresh air. The creator of the comics prefers to keep his humor dark at times, and the cartoons often feature unexpected twists at the end.

“I’m just a guy with a pen, a dream, and a very questionable sense of humor,” the artist writes on his Instagram account.


More info: patreon.com | Instagram



Given how funny and clever their comics are, “Colmscomics” has about 7,000 Instagram followers and is rapidly growing! The musician also has a Patreon account, where fans can donate to him in three different ways: “The Supporter,” “The Fan,” and “The Enjoyer.” Each of the three tiers has its own set of benefits and grants access to the artist’s various types of work.


Because art, in any form, takes a long time to practise as well as to produce, we asked the artist how long it takes him to complete his comics.

“From beginning to end, one of my comics takes about 6 hours. I usually spend a lot of time on the drawing because that’s where I try to put my ideas down on paper (or screen). After that, it’s only a matter of finishing the line work and adding colour. When I’m attempting something new for the first time or trying to get the lighting just right, the colouring can take a long time.I attempt to strike a balance between selling a compelling situation while also not overworking myself, and I frequently fail at both haha.




Being a cartoonist is difficult; one can quickly experience a lack of inspiration, exhaustion, and other issues, therefore we wanted to question Colm about his comics ideas.

“Comedy has always been a passion of mine. I like to watch a lot of comedies on TV and read a lot of comedies in comics and books. You pick up the little structures that make jokes and the nuances that make a situation amusing along the way. When comedy is such a large part of your life, you can’t help but look at anything and see what could be hilarious about it.I’ll come up with jokes in the middle of the day or sit down with the purpose of coming up with something amusing and simply let my mind roam. When I’m really suffering, I’ll switch gears and read or watch something hilarious to help me get into the appropriate frame of mind.”





We also inquired about the public’s reaction to the comic artist’s work.

“When I show someone a comic I’ve made or am working on, they frequently laugh or tell me how much they enjoy it. I’m not sure if that’s genuine or just courtesy, and I’d rather not know. Over the other hand, you get a far more honest response on the internet. People either laugh or tell me they enjoy the work, so I receive a lot of positive feedback. Some people will just not get the joke and will berate you for wasting their time, implying that you should go for a lengthy walk off a short pier, but hey, that’s the internet for you!”


















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