4 New Very Funny Charming Comics About Brutus And Pixie To Immediately Make Your Day


Pixie and Brutus are officially one of the most loving animal duos on the internet and you can see why. Created by Ben Hed, the comic series follows the lives of two friends, a cute kitten and an intimidating dog soldier that you wouldn’t want to come across. And while this seems like a very strange friendship at first, it makes their adventure even more fun.
Today, Ben hed’s Instagram pet page has a whopping 2.4 million followers who come for a daily dose of animal-illustrated fun. Recently, Ben presented his other project in which he reinvented and drew animals from viral photos on the Internet that you can see in our previous article.

Credit: Pet_Foolery






Today, Ben hed Instagram page pet foolery has a whopping 2.4million follower who come for a daily dose of illustrate animal amusement. Recently, Ben hed introduce his other project where he reimagine and drew animals from viral photos on the internet which you can see in our previous article.




Pixie and Brutus are officially one of the most love animal duos on the internet and you can totally see why. Created by Ben Hed the series of comics follows the life of two friends a cute little kitty and an intimidating soldier dog you would not want to cross paths with. And although this indeed looks like a very odd friendship at first that what make their adventure all the more hilarious. Today, Ben hed Instagram page pet foolery has a whopping 2.4million follower who come for a daily dose of illustrate animal amusement. Recently, Ben hed introduce his other project where he reimagine and drew animals from viral photos on the internet which you can see in our previous article.


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