5 Funny Comics About Animals Will Make You Laugh (Pet Foolery)


Here at pixieandbrutus.net, we love Pet Foolery. Many times before, we’ve featured the lovable comic book series created by Minnesota illustrator Ben Hed, laughing along with his ideas of animals flirting like humans, the old-fashioned ‘cat vs. dog’ conversion, and not forgetting their popular comic book pairing. , Pixie. and Brutus.

Ben’s self-described “silly little comics” feature all sorts of cute animals, like anteaters, badgers, and others. But the key stars of the series are the cats and dogs, the ones we primarily gravitate towards as pets. Although his parents have three dogs and two cats, Ben himself has two dogs, so he has a lot of material for his cartoon!


Pet Foolery’s Instagram page is hugely popular, with the popularity of Pixie and Brutus, in particular, taking it to 2 million followers. We love funny comics and we love cute animals. It all makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? To see some of our favorite pet fools below, scroll down,

More info: Instagram |

COMIC#1 Dude.. YOU’RE gonna love my pitbull Daisy..


Comic#2 Enjoy this chew Treat,,


Comic#3 Alright, time to see what this ‘time pod challenge’ is that these humans keep talking about..


Comic#4 Everyone knows The story of ugly duckling..

Comic#5 Hey Mister Wrinkles, look it’s you.. A piece of chewed gum.. verryyy funnnyy.

The end.. share these funny comics with your friends and family…


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