7 Powerful Harry Potter Scenes That Did Not Make It To The Movies Finally Come To Life Thanks To This Illustrator


People say the book is always better than the movie. Mostly because the movie leaves things out. To help Potterheads visually revisit their favorite moments from the series, artist Katie Knudson of Orlando, Florida, paints Harry Potter movie scenes that didn’t make the movies, and maybe even J.K. Rowling will be glad to see them.

“My mom read Harry Potter books to me when I was growing up,” Katie told Bored Panda. “Even the last one came out when I was in high school. You formed an extraordinary bond between us!”


Katie came up with the idea for her art project when someone reminded her of the scene where Luna randomly walks to Harry and declares her support for him. “I thought it was a great scene and felt inspired to paint it very quickly. It was so well received that I realized I wasn’t the only one who missed these forgotten and deleted scenes, so I kept finding and drawing them!” The artist always tries to cover famous movie scenes that are important character moments. “Anything emotional or formative for a character, like the case of my father Neville. I feel sad when this kind of character development is forgotten.”

“It can take anywhere from 10 to 20 hours to go from planning and sketching the scene, all the way to launching it online,” Katie said. “I try to spend as much time as possible making it as accurate to the text as I can.” Keep scrolling and enjoy this wonderful collection of Harry Potter art. And if you really like them, you can support Knudson on Patreon.

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The One With The Kiss


The One With The Slap


The One With Luna’s Observation


The One With Neville’s Parents

The One With Minerva McGonagall Standing Up For Harry

The One With Luna And The Eyebrow

The One With The Ultimate Kiss


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