20 Reasons Why Sphynx Cats Are Not Just Cool, They’re Super-Cool


Sphynx cats are a Canadian breed. They are bald and beautiful.

We love all kinds of cats. How can we not love Sphynx cats? Sphynx cats definitely have unique personalities. They are very different from other cats. They have no hair, you can clearly see their skin. Some people get scared when they see sphynx cats and many people consider them ugly, but not us. We have the same love for all cats. Although Sphynx cats have different physical characteristics than other cats, they behave exactly like other cats. They would get angry, show mood swings and become mischievous like other house cats. And above all, they are as adorable as other cats. Today we have 30 sphynx cats that are great. So scroll down and enjoy

1. Who tried to take my money?


Never dare to touch my money again or I will kill you.


2. Sphynx cats are so unique:

3. They are good at yoga:


4. When she is angry with you:

5. Her favorite place to sit is her owner’s shoulder:


6.When she tries to be a magician:

7. That’s how innocent they are:

8. I love these sunglasses. Human, give it to me.


9. The face that she makes when you lie to her:



Human, it’s Sunday today. Let us sleep one more hour.


She kinda looks pissed.



We deserve to be treated like this cat after a rough day but she seems to hate it.

If you are not adopting a cat because you don’t want hair all-around your house, then Sphynx cat is the best option for you. Since they are hairless, you would not have to deal with cleaning hair all the time. Sphynx cats have a fun personality and they are full of love. Having a sphynx cat means you have a little alien at your home. Don’t judge them on their looks, they know about fashion more than you.


This is how cool they are.


This is their favorite activity:


“this pregnant hairless cat is 300% done, she can’t even”



Meet Chunks, she is 14 years old. She found an egg and sat on it for 50 days. The egg hatched and Chunks found a cute little duckling baby


“My sphynx cats spoon sometimes.”


Meet Queen Eisley. The queen is wearing “Prada”.


That’s how they play hide and seek:


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