Animals are transformed into anime-style characters while their features are preserved by a Korean artist (20 Pics)


More than just a Latin root, “anima” connects animals to animation. All animals, like characters in cartoons or other forms of animation, have distinctive features. Naturally, one begins to imagine how the creatures would appear if they were turned into cartoon characters, and Nitro, the Korean artist who handles Instagram byeongju.a, fulfills this desire by combining the two and producing interesting results.

Where would they fit in if they were in a real anime series? Or, perhaps, a new anime series will be created with all of them? Anyway, the characters are interesting, and there’s a reason for that: the artist is adept at conjuring distinct characters out of thin air. Do you have any doubts? Check out the artist’s Instagram account to see for yourself.


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Northern Bald Ibis

Nitro’s effort has an unanticipated benefit that we don’t believe he realised. His OCs (original characters) raise awareness about endangered wildlife species. Black leopards, for example, are rapidly losing territory, while northern bald ibises, which are native to Syria, are becoming extinct.Hunting and habitat destruction have resulted in their extinction in the wild. Cheetahs, East African lions, Damascus goats, macaroni penguins, and crested black macaques, among the other species mentioned in this essay, are all critically endangered



Albino Crocodile



Honey Badger

Macaroni Penguin

American Bison


Damascus Goat

Bongo Antelope

East African Lion

Fantasy Owl


Bald Eagle

Visayan Warty Pig

Striped/Spotted Hyena



Crested Black Macaque


Pit Bull


Italian Mastiff

Where would they fit in if they were in an actual anime series? Or, perhaps, a new anime series with all of them would be created? In any case, the characters are intriguing, and there’s a reason for that: the artist is a master at conjuring distinct personalities from thin air. Do you have any doubts? Take a look at the artist’s Instagram account to see for yourself.


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