Artist Created A Comic Full Of Absurd Situations And Unexpected Twists (20 New Pics)


The madness of the Christmas marathon has made us rush, but we all need to take a break from time to time. And there’s probably no better way to stop thinking about seasonal concerns and relax than to take a look at some wacky, random, and non-holiday related comics. So what do you think? The hilarious Sunny Street comics from the talented Max Garcia are here to help you get in the mood to relax and kill time so the holidays come sooner. These comics have only one thing in common, and that is the surprising twists, turns, and unexpected endings of what seems like a normal situation. Surprisingly or not, this isn’t the first time we’ve featured these comics on Bored Panda, and the first part was very well received, so if you want to check it out, you can.

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Max García is a writer and illustrator based in New York. He uses characters that we are all familiar with, such as superheroes, pets, and popular characters alongside normal people to balance the surreal and the real. The title Sunny Street is funny because the name is often the opposite of what is actually portrayed. Max Garcia is not afraid to make his comics take a dark turn, and they are plagued with twisted endings and unexpected turns of events.




Did you know that reading comics is really good for you? Many studies have been done on this topic and it turns out that it makes you smarter. Reading comics improves verbal intelligence and improves visual and communication skills. It also helps children learn to read in a more accessible way than daunting, long-winded texts. So do what’s good for you and read on!























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