Artist Created Comics Full Of Absurd Situations And Unexpected Twists, And Here Are The Best Comics


Some of us probably don’t go a day without reading some comics on social media. They seem to be everywhere, scattered across social media for people to absorb to their hearts’ content. However, it seems that random and seemingly out of context comics are the best, and now we would like to show you the artwork of “Blue Boi”, the creator of the Katalyst comics.” During the first wave of coronavirus lockdowns in April 2020 I started producing comics. I was going through a tough time in my life, so I started producing comics as a way to pass the time and relieve stress, and I haven’t stopped since.

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Some of us probably don’t go a day without scrolling through some comics on social media. They appear to be everywhere, strewn over social media for individuals to absorb to their hearts’ content. However, it appears that random and seemingly out-of-context comics are the greatest kind, and now we’d like to show you the artwork of “Blue Boi,” the creator of Katalyst comics.”During the first wave of coronavirus lockdowns in April 2020, I began producing comics. I was going through a rough patch in my life, so I began producing comics as a way to pass the time and relieve stress, and I haven’t stopped since!















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