Artist Who Made People Cry With Her ‘Good Boy’ Comics Just Released A New One About A Dog, Says It Was Painful To Draw


Jenny Jinya’s 311,000 followers on Instagram are well aware of what they have agreed to. Her comic strips are not for the faint of heart, and this is because they depict the terrible reality of human cruelty to animals. Jenny’s stories have been described as “tears” that will stay with us for days.

This time, the German artist returns with a tragic caricature about a dog bred to fight other dogs. “I apologize for taking so long. “It was excruciatingly difficult to draw,” Jenny told her fans, and we get it.


Jenny is not the first person to raise awareness about animal cruelty. Previous comic strips of hers featured a black cat, a duck, an albatross, a lion, and an elephant, all of which were equally powerful.

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Jenny just released a new strip showing the cruel practice of dog fights


Jenny was contacted to find out what inspired her to create this particular strip about a dog combatant. It turns out that the artist was constantly worried by the dogs’ exceedingly unfavourable reputation. Since her friends owned them, she knew they were the kindest animals.

Jenny was well aware that pit bulls are frequently forced to fight and suffer serious injuries as a result. However, the research she conducted prior to painting revealed a darker side to it. “I initially realised that pit bull puppies are taken and trained in part from normal houses. These animals had hoped for a loving home but were instead thrown into a world of violence and loneliness.”

“The more I read about this blood sport, the heavier my heart felt,” the German illustrator admitted. Jenny’s deep sadness resulted in this lovely strip.


It turns out, Jenny was reluctant to work on the topic because it was too painful

Image credits: jenny_jinya

Jenny stated that writing such meaningful pieces is extremely draining. “Conducting research on the topic is always upsetting enough,” she admitted, “but when I sketch out the storyboard, a few tears roll down my cheeks as well.”

Her recent comic about a dog fighter demonstrated what a heinous act of animal cruelty it is. “Since they were puppies, the dogs have been raised in seclusion, drugged, abused, and mistreated. The artist’s message in the post, which received 127K likes in just two days, says, “Conditioned to be aggressive and ready to battle.”

According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, dog fighting is a felony offence in all 50 states. Victims of dog fighting, according to their report,

To “restrict the regions another dog can grip onto in a fight” and “to shut off body language signs,” dogs may have their ears clipped and tails docked.

Victims may also be given a variety of medicines, such as “anabolic steroids” to help them gain muscular mass and become more aggressive. During a fight, other narcotic substances are taken to “enhance aggression and hide pain or fear.

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