Natalie Jomard is many things. She is a French writer and illustrator with a master’s degree in digital communication and a second degree in political science, but above all she is a mother. After having children, Natalie begins to illustrate her daily life as a mother and her hilarious cartoons are so subtle that they are adorable.
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#1 You’re Feeling Like A Balloon Constantly
#2 No One Could Prepare You For The First Time Wearing A Bikini After Giving Birth
My daughter is a nerd. A very smart, calm and somewhat clumsy girl. She always reads a book and is also articulate like her mother. My son is also a nerd but in a different way than his sister. He is also very active and restless. He can’t sit down. He is always jumping and running and talking a lot. He really can’t stop talking. A real speaker. He’s always inventing something, drawing funny pictures, and talking about it for hours on end. Natalie said the two are also very curious about everything around them, which is a huge inspiration for parenting comics.
#3 The first time you breastfeed is unforgettable
“Since having children, my life has definitely changed for the better, although I am more tired than before. But with parenting, who doesn’t? They are, however, the best gifts that life can give you.” Now keep scrolling for more of Nathalie’s painfully relatable comics below!