This Artist Draws Amusing Comics Featuring Ridiculous Situations (20 Pics)


when it comes to the older generations, perhaps many of us have grown up reading our favorite comic strips in the newspaper every day. However, as times changed and things like the internet became prominent in our lives, we also started looking for forms of entertainment online.

The comic scene also shifted with the internet age, and now most popular comics can be found online. The Internet has created the term “webcomics”, a new phenomenon of completely internet-based comic strips.


One of the youngest artists we want to introduce to you on our platform is artist James P. otherwise known as “But a Jape” on his social networks. His comics are funny, colorful and display weird and quite unexpected twists like aliens holding humans as pets and much more!

More info: Instagram | | | |



Bored Panda approached James, the author of the comic book “But A Jape”. First, we asked the artist if he had any life-changing influences that could have helped him with his art and art style in general when it comes to his comics.

“The Perry Bible Fellowship probably represents my ideal form of comic-based humor the most – both the joke writing and the art that accompanies it serve to make each comic more than the sum of its parts. Jokes are simple, but elegantly executed without extraordinary dialogue or overly complex scenes.And speaking of visuals, Nicholas Gurewitch’s ability to use different art styles to complement different kinds of jokes is another skill I aspire to imitate – though I would not say that I have developed this ability either.By making myself publish two comics a week, it tends to limit my ability to experiment a lot with my art style when a simpler one ensures I can finish longer many at the same time.

SMBC is another big influence in terms of how I approach humor. In fact, it may have affected me more than I thought, as I often get comments: ‘I thought it was SMBC until I read the author’s name’. To be honest, I’m still unclear where exactly the overlap is in our comics, but it has creat

ed me a bit of a complex where, after I finish each comic, I stop to think to myself: ‘Does this look like SMBC?’ or ‘SMBC has not already made this joke, has it?’








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